
Thursday, April 3, 2014

No words

I got the call today that has haunted me so many times before. My precious little miracle child you are a part of my body no more. Your soul is in heaven and your body has not made its appearance yet which makes this even harder. I wish that I could have been all that you needed and so much more, but sadly you are no longer a part of my body anymore. I wish that could have felt you move and seen your little face at least once, but that again has been taken away from me with a shock and a surprise. I hope you know that I fought for you each and every day. You have always been my wish, hope, and desire. So here I sit now feeling empty, devastated, and gutted beyond words. I have comfort knowing that you are in heaven with your brothers and sisters, but is that comfort enough? Sweet baby you were loved by soooo many even for this brief time. We had such big plans for you and had taken every precaution to make sure your little life would be perfect and I can't explain what went wrong. You were in my every thought, prayer, smile, and breath. Now I am left to wonder who you would have looked like, what would have loved to do, and why this ended so soon. Oh sweet child your momma and daddy love you very much. I soooo wish my body was enough to keep you healthy. I promise you sweet child I did my very best!